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Crane Hot Line

AED'S 2022 State Equipment Dealer Law Book is Now Available

Aug. 21, 2022 – The Associated Equipment Dealers association has updated its Dealer Law Book, which the organization says is a vital resource for independently-controlled and -operated distribution companies.

This book helps manufacturers and distributors navigate the complex legal environment in which they operate.

Among the most complex legal issues facing equipment distributors are state laws that govern the relationship between distributors and manufacturers.

When AED published the first edition of the Dealer Law Book in 1990, there were 43 statutes from 38 states. That number has now grown to 70 statutes from 48 states.

AED is committed to giving dealers the best resources possible to navigate this legal terrain while maintaining neutrality on the underlying political debate.

This book is designed to inform AED's membership about the latest in dealer protection legislation throughout the country.

The book can be bought at the AED website,


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