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Crane Hot Line

All Crane Invests in 21 Liebherr All-Terrain Cranes

 Feb. 16, 2020 - ALL Crane has invested heavily in its fleet of mobile cranes by ordering 21 Liebherr all-terrains. The new units will be delivered throughout 2021, with 16 scheduled for delivery in the second and third quarters.

The purchase includes: four each of LTM 1120-4.1, LTM 1130-5.1, and LTM 1230-5.1; three each of LTM 1160-5.2 and LTM 1450-8.1; and one each of LTM 1110-5.1, LTM 1150-5.3, and LTM 1650-8.1. The new cranes will be distributed nationwide throughout ALL’s 36 branches.

Michael L. Liptak, CEO and president of ALL Crane, said, “We approach every package with an eye on customer demand, and what we have is a very expansive and diverse demand for ATs at all capacity levels and in every region.”

Three of the units in particular are new models that offer an array of technologies and performance features designed to serve ALL’s wide ranging customer mix and geographies.

The LTM 1120-4.1 is a four-axle mobile crane that can lift up to 135 USt and delivers performance previously available only on five-axle cranes.

The LTM 1150-5.3, introduced last October, can lift up to 150 USt. It offers a 10% longer telescopic boom and 15% higher capacity than its successful predecessor, the LTM 1130-5.1.

The LTM 1650-8.1 is an eight-axle model that has the highest capacity of the new cranes coming to ALL’s fleet. It can lift up to 770 USt, and it exceeds its predecessor’s capacity by between 15% and 50% percent, depending on the equipment package selected.

The purchase — and the new technologies on show — point to the continued popularity of all-terrain (AT) cranes with ALL’s customers and in the markets in which they work. “Ongoing growth in road and bridge and general infrastructure engineering and construction are huge, as are expectations for the wind market,” said Liptak. “These are drivers of the continued demand for Ats.”

Liptak added, “This purchase also has a lot of cranes with longer booms, which give our customers added flexibility for commercial construction. We’re also fortifying our fleet to support growth in new construction and expansion in manufacturing and industrial buildings.”

Liptak noted that many of the Liebherr cranes in the package conform to road limits in ALL’s major markets, also making them attractive to customers due to the ease of transport. “The mobility of our fleet, project to project, but also branch to branch, is important to us,” he said.

ALL is always working with manufacturers, explained Liptak, “sharing information to help create next generation technologies. This purchase further demonstrates our belief in the Liebherr product and our commitment to ensuring customers have the equipment they need, where and when they need it.”




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