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Crane Hot Line

Brownlee Succeeds Retired Hasty as VP and GM of IMT

 April 4, 2022  Amy Brownlee has succeeded Jim Hasty as vice president and general manager of Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. (IMT), Garner, Iowa.

Hasty retired April 1.

Before being promoted, Brownlee was IMT's senior director of finance.

She joined IMT in 2006 and has spent the last 15 years serving the company in various roles. Her expertise in financial management, manufacturing operations, long tenure at the company, and commitment to recruiting and retaining the brightest talent makes Brownlee uniquely equipped to lead IMT.

“I’d like to join everyone at IMT in thanking Jim for his many years of service and for all we’ve accomplished under his leadership,” said Brownlee. “I am thrilled at the opportunity to work with such incredible people and am excited to serve our team members and community in this new role.”

Brownlee received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Central College and is a long-term resident of the Garner, Iowa, area. She serves on the Hancock Economic Development Board and, in partnership with IMT, is a strong proponent of expanding awareness of careers in the trades within local Iowa high schools and community colleges.

Brownlee says the prioritization of education and training in the welding field and other skilled trades is positioning IMT as an employer of choice in northern Iowa. “I believe we have the absolute best team in the industry, we make the best product, and we have the most pride,” said Brownlee. “We wouldn't be as successful as we are without the loyalty, dedication and skillsets the team brings to work every day.”



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