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Crane Hot Line

Construction Industry Round Table Names New Chairman

Greg Cosko

June 22, 2021 - The Construction Industry Round Table (CIRT), a national business trade association composed of some 120 chief executives from leading design and construction companies that do business in the U.S., has elected Greg Cosko as its chairman for 2021-2022.

Cosko is president and CEO of Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co., San Francisco, California. He succeeds Wassim Selman, president of infrastructure at Arcadis. Cosko was elected during CIRT's annual Spring Conference in Washington, D.C.

"I am grateful to our CIRT membership for this opportunity to serve as chairman in the year ahead. Our organization is one of the few in the industry with a national footprint in design and construction," said Cosko.

At the conference, CIRT also elected other officers and directors.

  • Vice Chair - Peter Emmons, CEO, Structural Group, Columbia, Maryland.

  • Treasurer - Henry Massman, president & CEO, Massman Construction, Overland Park, Kansas.

  • Immediate Past Chairman and member of Executive Committee - Wassim Selman, president of infrastructure, Arcardis, Atlanta, Georgia.

In addition to the executive committee elections, CIRT also welcomed four industry leaders as new directors who will serve on the board through 2024.

  • Al Barkouli, chairman, David Evans and Associates Inc., Portland, Oregon.

  • Anthony Consigli, CEO, Consigli Construction Company, Milford, Michigan.

  • Tom Donnelly, president, Brightview Landscape Development, Calabasas, California.

  • Ray Oneglia, vice chairman, O&G Industries, Torrington, Connecticut.


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