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Crane Hot Line

Deborah Dickinson Joins C&D Dickinson LLC

Feb. 9, 2023 - Deborah Dickinson, former CEO and co-founder of Crane Industry Services LLC (CIS) has joined her 25-year business and life partner, William C. “Cliff” Dickinson Jr., in the consulting firm C&D Dickinson LLC.

Debbie Dickinson helps organizations improve their work processes by evaluating experience, knowledge, skills, and relevance of training to the work to be performed in order to help leaders create safer, more productive, and enjoyable work sites.

Considerations include safety, work objectives, regulations, industry standards, competition, and job satisfaction for employers and employees.

She is also available for expert opinion in legal matters regarding employee qualifications for assigned work.

Dickinson’s experience includes leading nationally accredited certification programs recognized in the U.S. and Canada, serving on project teams that developed legally defensible selection systems, and applying OSHA regulations and accreditation standards from ANSI and NCCA to the workplace.

Before joining C&D Dickinson, she was CEO of Crane Industry Services (CIS), where she led the NCCER accreditation, worked with NCCCO to create well-rounded company offerings, and was certified as a NCCER Master Trainer and Administrator.

Her career also includes working as a consultant to achieve ANSI and NCCER accreditation and OSHA recognition for six certification programs designed to assess skill based work; managing creative development for the Disney department that provides benchmarking of best practices and training for healthcare, automotive, airlines, sales, and service teams;, and managing national accounts for Wilson Learning International, where she specialized in assessments and facilitation for the energy, healthcare, and automotive industries.


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