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Crane Hot Line

New Jib for SK6,000 Lifts 3,300-USt at a 721’ Height



Sept. 28, 2022 - Mammoet’s new fixed jib configuration for the SK6,000 crane allows offshore wind developers to reach deeper waters and significantly cut the cost of floating wind turbine assembly.



As the industry moves towards 20MW turbines, floating wind components continue to get bigger and heavier.

Mammoet’s new SK6,000 is the crane needed to install next generation turbines. Its patented fixed-jib configuration can lift 3,300 USt at a 721’ height.

The new configuration lets the crane load out floating foundations using the main boom, then immediately assemble the turbine tower with the jib.

Mammoet technical expert Jeremy Haylock explains:

“We don’t look at the SK as ‘just’ a crane, but we look at it as a system as well. If you look at the SK of today compared to when it was first launched, it has evolved considerably. Our aim was to deliver a product that would allow us to grow in real time with our customers.”

Haylock added, “As with every part of the SK, when we developed the fixed jib, we wanted to include room for growth. With the SK6,000 jib we are employing that additional capacity through small adjustments to the original design.”

The fixed jib is fully forward and backward compatible through the SK series. Mammoet will incorporate into offshore wind project proposals and deploy it to a suitable project at the first opportunity.



Crane Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.