SC&RA Moves Live Events to Later Dates in 2021
Dec. 2, 2020 – The Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association has chosen new dates later in 2021 for its transportation symposium and its annual conference.
The SC&RA’s 2021 Specialized Transportation Symposium is now scheduled for July 13-15 at the Sheraton Birmingham in Alabama, and the Annual Conference is scheduled for Oct. 25-29 at La Cantera, San Antonio, Texas. The SC&RA’s Crane & Rigging Workshop will be held as planned Sept. 14-16 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, in Chicago.
People who have existing registrations need not take any action now. The Association will retain and transfer the registration or accommodate people who will be unable to attend the events. Those registered will soon receive more information from the SC&RA meetings department. For more information, contact Surian Choi.
SC&RA has moved the meetings because of COVID restrictions on gathering and travel. “Being responsive to members’ input on the desire and need to return to live events and not lose sight of the very real practical health considerations, the SC&RA Board of Directors has approved the formulation of a back-up plan that involves rescheduling our live meetings to later in 2021,” said CEO Joel Dandrea.